And who did all the heavy lifting? The post-pregnancy lady with a whole in her abdomen, or the big, manly dude with huge arms. Yep. Lots of lifting and carrying and packing and taking care of a baby, too.
So we spent last night at the house, and in the morning I got the last few things packed up, watered around the house, got some baby supplies together, and then Jess went off to the hotel with Tyler while I waited for the exterminators to show up (and played video games).
So right before the exterminators showed up, I got a call from Jessie. She had found bugs in the hotel room. Bugs! Two of them! One of them was in the bed. Using her degree in entomology she determined that they were deadly ticks (that is a joke Jessie doesn’t have a degree in entomology) and asked to be moved to another room. I got a call a few minutes later that despite the fact that she couldn’t find any more bugs, she was sure they were there. So right when the exterminators showed up, I gave them the go-ahead to start tenting the house and then hoofed it off to meet up with Jessie.
Using her super-mother powers and her adorable face, she convinced me to move everything out of the hotel room and back into the cars so we could go to a nicer hotel. I allowed her ridiculous paranoia *this time*, but I maintain that getting all that worked up about unidentified bugs in a room we aren’t even *in* anymore is silly, especially when I was going to have to do all the lifting again, but she has a new baby, so she has the trump card.
So we moved down the street to a more expensive but much nicer hotel, which probably still has bugs in it because bugs are everywhere but whatever, the room is nice and they gave us free dinner and breakfast, which might actually pay for itself, considering we were going to have to eat out, otherwise. Most of our stuff is still in the car (including our chocolate...oops, it’s hot out there) and I took the rest of the day off after doing all the moving and running around and general baby-wrangling. (It wasn’t that much moving, but it felt like more.)
Tomorrow I’m planning to go into work, unless we find any more bugs in this room, though I’ll have to leave early in order to help Jess move out of the hotel in the afternoon. We’re supposed to be able to go back into the house around 3:00, so we’ll see how it all works out. DIE, TERMITES, DIE!
Also, here are some pictures of my house covered with tarps and my adorable son.
1 comment:
I hope you told the neighbors that the red white and blue tent is some kind of patriotic performance art.
Also, we may have a new contender for most adorable Tyler picture up there- he is SO into Jessie.
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