This one’s for nana, the Amaryllis she sent to us. I’m holding on to it because it actually collapsed under its own weight a while ago. Fortunately, we just put it in a cup of water and it’s been sitting there and looking pretty for about a week, now. The other one still hasn’t bloomed, but little red petals are starting to peak out of the bud, so it shouldn’t be long now.
King cake experiments. I got the little plastic baby jesus in the king cake last year, and so we get to host the party this year (unless the baby shows up early). So I’ve been experimenting with king cakes to make sure I am up to the challenge of making one. This one is, essentially, a cinnamon roll, except rolled up. The recipe actually makes too, also, so we brought one into the office and kept the other for ourselves.
A couple of shots from the completed baby room. I added a few more details to the tree and then did a little dinosaur collage up on the wall. Looks nice, yes? I think I can keep a baby in here.
My studio. The drums have been moved downstairs so that I can play rock band with them (I finally got the midi converter and I’m really learning to play the real drum parts. How cool!) But I include this one so you can see the picture I put up in the corner. I got a program called a ‘rasterizer’ that takes your picture and splits it up into 8.5 x 11 sized pictures that you can then print out and put together. I wanted a big version of this picture for a while, and now i have one.
This one is from the baby shower. Someone made us a t-rex cake that was actually shaped like a t-rex. We still have some in the fridge. Good frosting!
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