I didn’t really write anything extra special on here for Christmas, but needless to say, it was a blast. I’ve never really considered myself all that good with food, so it feels really good to be known around the family for my delicious bread. Of course, now Jess is learning how to make it, too, so I have to start learning different bread types if I’m going to stay ahead of the curve.
My Christmas present to Jess, well, one of them anyway, is already installed and working great. I got some programmable thermostats so that we can warm up the house before we wake up and before we get home. It’s been extra useful because as I speak, the outside temperature is 27 degrees. It’s been really nice to keep the house warm while we’re around. It would be pretty freezing in the morning otherwise.
The other highlight of our post-holiday festivities was our “go out and see what’s cheap on post holiday sale” shopping. Unfortunately, we didn’t get any good fake trees or lights, but I did get this.
It is enormous, and silly, and currently hanging up in my office at work. I’m silly.
The other thing that we got was a ham. On sale after everyone was done with their food, we decided to give an Alton Brown recipe a try. I was reminded of its deliciousness because Jess got me about two pounds of Alton Brown DVDs for my gift, and I’ve been slowly, and with much delight, going through them. I think I’ve found a fish recipe Jess might like. It involves cheese and cream. Yum. Anyway, the ham crust involved first mustard, then brown sugar, then a spritz of bourbon, which we replaced with coke because we don’t have any around the house and they don’t sell any small enough for us. And then finally, gingersnaps. I’ve been having Ham for dinner every night this week. Luxury.
I’m also trying to fix my diet. I’ve been eating less, mostly. I’m hoping I can work out a food routine that I can stick to for the next, you know, ‘forever’. Diets only work if they become lifestyles. Ham for dinner every night might not count, but in my defense, I’ve been eating a lot less than I would have otherwise.
We’ve been getting some more bids on our shower work, and it looks like we’ve found a good bid. With any luck we may be getting this thing underway pretty soon. It won’t be as impressive a job as Mom and dad have been dong, but if it gets us what we want out of a shower, we certainly won’t complain. I’ll take some pictures so everyone can see.
Micro news! Jess got a nice bruise on her calf at Roller hockey. It doesn’t look too bad, but that just means that it hurts a lot. The cats are laying with us. I think they like the warmth. There’s a big UT football game going on now. It looks like UT is going to lose, which means I will probably be surrounded by a lot of unhappy co-workers tomorrow.
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