While the rest of the world was focusing on Black Friday and Tiger Woods driving skills off the golf course, we were making dust in Alaska. The following are pictures of our progress. The artsy arches actually cover exposed vent pipes that we wanted to keep out of the wall to improve insulation and protect from freezing on the sunless side of the house. Tommorow the plumber makes first connections to the household system after our rough-in plumbing passed inspection. We expect one little hand washing sink in our toilet room to be connected and that represents real progress.
Friday I buzz down to Miami for a daytrip of Medical education. This should allow for dinner with the Swanson-in-laws ( I really don't know what our technical relationsip is...) on Saturday night, then back to Alaska on Sunday.
Happy brthdays to all sides of the family: Nana, Bart, and Grama Warner.

Is there a window hole next to Dad? What is that for? The arches look great- looks like you've made a LOT of headway!
We are standing in the shower enclosure, the pipe above my head being the future showerhead and, yes, my hand is on a "window" into the shower to make it a little less cave-like, letting some light in from outside. We will put glass in it and use the ledge as a shelf for potions. There will be a fold-down teak bench underneath it for leg /foot washing, etc.
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