Friday was a short day. We were hoping we wouldn’t have to go in so that we could head over to York and look around, but there was enough that still needed to be done that we ended up going in. We wrapped most everything up, though, said hi to some people, and got taken out to lunch at the Queen’s head again. I had my other favorite beer from last time, Black Sheep Best Bitter, and the Queens burger, which was huge, juicy, and delicious.
Here's the royal bath house, where that pub was.
We didn’t have time to go to York after that, but we did end up walking around Harrogate, which I liked because I hadn’t gotten to see much of the City last time I came out. We stopped off at various shops and I picked up some chocolate for Jess. (We’ve gotten into the nice habit of eating dark chocolate for dessert, so we’ve been trying lots of different types). I also found the local video game store, simply named ‘Game’ and had fun looking around in there. We ducked into a coffee shop to dodge a downpour of rain and walked around a bookstore. I took pictures of books I wanted. Then we turned in a little early and went to a really nice Italian restaurant for dinner. Then hung out in my hotel some more, chatted with Jess, and packed up all my stuff.
HOME! The car came to pick us up at 6:30, and I slept some on the ride down. We got to Manchester airport plenty early and then started the day-long process of waiting in lines and sitting in chairs that would eventually bring us home. The check-in line for the flight was quite long, but moved at a good clip, and there was no wait at all through security. Then we had the LONG flight from England back to Chicago. This time against the jetstream. It was a bit over eight hours. I totally wore out the battery on my PSP and spent a lot of time on the DS as well. I thought I was getting sick at one point, but I think I was just tired of being on a plane.
Upon landing in Chicago, we had to first go through customs, then pick up C’s bag, then drop it off, then find our next flight, then go back into security. *Then* I was able to call Jessie. We talked for a while and got all excited about how we’d be together soon. I got some dinner, too, a sandwich and a couple of fruit smoothie drinks. For some reason I was craving them. Then it was on the (comparatively short) flight down to Austin and back home to Jess! We gave each other many, many hugs and kisses at the airport, then came home and I went to sleep early and slept late.
And that’s England.
Wow, bizz class to Europe, how cool. Do you think your "product" will "sell" or "Pass", whatever the goal is?? This is a process that has to deal with real-time data/targets, not just sweet lab based preps but actual in the wild stuff, right?? Sounds like you were ready to send it off but not ready to trust it?? several more trips seem absolutely necessary...
Love Dad
It's still prototype code. The idea for this project was to deliver code that demonstrated the ability of an algorithm. Much testing will still need to be done, but much of the future work can take place from over here, because of the power of the *INTERNET*
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