The tour was beautiful, relaxing, and peaceful. Every once in a while we would spot some monkeys or birds from our boat, and the guide was very educational and informative. He always knew some-or-other interesting tidbit about the plants and animals we were seeing. My favorite was spotting a young crocodile sunning itself on the river bank, and his explanation about a specific kind of tree. Evidently it had evolved holes and trails inside it so that it made an ideal house for ants. The ants, in exchange, defended the tree against potential predators. Very cool. We even made a stop where the guides went off into the woods and found some poison dart frogs for us. Only dangerous if you have a cut on your hands. They were tiny, bright, and a real treat. They put them back when we were done.
We ended the tour with lunch, tortillas and fruit, and saw some leaf-cutter ants hard at work, as well as some really strange-looking caterpillars. The rest of the day was for resting, pretty much. We went out and booked a second zip-line tour for the next day, our last in La Fortuna. A few minutes after we left, it started POURING rain, and didn’t let up all night. We had an early dinner and then relaxed in our hotel room, eventually falling asleep to the sounds of rain on a metal roof.
Oops! I made the movies in the wrong order. I'll make one for this post in just a bit...okay, its done!
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