Matt was called in today for his performance review- it was great of course. His boss actually explained that he had overrode the cookie cutter review to write in all the great stuff about Matt. The performance review precedes any further monetary compensation, which is apparently some percent of the budget for the whole department. Hmm.
I wanted to share with you the highlights, since I had to double check the name on the review. Matt got Outstandings for "Listening and Comprehension" and "Seeks Increased Responsibilities." Yeah, my Matt. I told this guy I wasn't feeling well when he got home, and I didn't feel like cooking. After forgetting that, he suggested we walk out for dinner- when I said I just wanted soup, he said "Why, You cold?" I guess he uses up all his listening and extra responsibilities at work.
I am really proud of him, he has been working really hard, putting in lots of hours without (much) complaint. I am glad that his boss has noticed, and I hope this projects well into the next segment.
Well, it's profoundly nice to be appreciated and maybe even commpensated at a nice level. We hope there is still a degree of satisfaction and fulfillment that makes the commute worth it, too. We see the American car industry roiling away and realize that Matt is very fortunate to have an appropriate position in a vigorous industry to keep him occupied and appreciated. We recognize the visible sacrifices you are both making to fulfill your dreams. But especially today, "Well done" to Matt. Love, MomanDad Preecs
That's my boy! I'm proud of ya, son! The big pat on the back makes all those drudging commutes more tolerable. Hoping you both have time to celebrate the career success this weekend. Love from Mom Betty
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