Sunday, July 29, 2012

Getting Ready to Travel

So tomorrow I get to travel for work. Nothing as exotic as England, but Charleston, SC isn't a bad place if you gotta do some work. It's supposed to be pretty rainy there all week, so I'm glad I have a raincoat to bring. Thanks, Switzerland! Jess is going to be a dear and watch Tyler for the week, which actually means that he will have to have is first babysitter this week, as Jess has a couple of hockey games to go play. Fortunately, they're after Tyler goes to sleep, so it'll be an easy job, but it's still worth noting. First babysitting job, yowza. We got a recommendation from someone at work (a neice) and she will be coming over Monday evening to...well, essentially just make sure the house doesn't catch fire. A neighbor will be coming by for the Wednesday evening game. But in both cases, Tyler should sleep right through the event. Well, at least that's the hope. If he doesn't...well, that's what babysitters are for.

I, on the other hand, am doing important work stuff. The transition from the R&D group to the Test group has been a pretty fantastic one. I've already gotten a spot award and am sitting in on interviews and getting commended for doing good stuff. I even get to travel for test already. Neat, eh? We've been testing our software re: its interface with some other software, and are pretty confident in our ability to go out there and demonstrate our stuff working as intended. We have, in fact, been mostly finding bugs with their software. And also with the hardware we're using to test everything. I'm getting pretty good at reading debug logs and am slowly improving at Linux at the same time. People appreciate what I'm doing, and I've got interesting stuff to do. Exactly what I was looking for.

I got a new toy for myself a few weeks ago. An Ipad! I thought it was way too expensive, but most high-end tablets sell for around the same $$$, and the smooth, pretty display really sold me. So now I finally get to play a lot of those Ipad-only games that I've been reading about for so long. It's nice. I'm also going to attempt to travel without a laptop for the first time in quite a while, just bringing the new tablet with me. Considering I'm pretty much only going to be using it for goofing-off purposes, I think it will handle just fine.

Speaking of games, I've been spending less and less time playing games on the TV, and more time playing them on my laptop or on the tablet. The game that's been taking up residence in the Xbox is actually our exercise game. Good for a workout, but in addition to my usual Judo, I've actually been taking out my bike for a spin in the evenings (I wear one of those glowy vests and have lights and stuff, so I'm safe.) I definitely need to hit up Uncle Matt for biking tips.

Did you guys catch the Olympics? We watched the opening ceremony (until we got tired and went to bed) and have been having it on and off as the mood strikes us. It's probably the most TV Tyler has ever seen. I'm not sure he has any idea what it is showing, unless he's been watching Water Polo at day care.

Additions to Tyler's Dictionary:

Bapple: Apple
Wa-Wa: Water
Moo: Answer to “What does a cow say?”
Baa: Answer to “What does a a sheep say?”
Bee-Bee-Bee-Bee: This is actually the sound Daddy makes when tickling Tyler with his face.
Tuck: Stuck. For things that don't move.

He doesn't always remember the right word for any given situation: you often have to remind him what word to use, but the words are all in there. Very cute.

We also went to watch mommy play ice hockey yesterday. Tyler was very intrigued by the game, though he kept losing track of which one Mommy was. Whenever she skated over to give him a smile in between plays, though, he would get really excited. The rest of the time was spent running around the outside of the rink, watching the Zamboni and doing his other new favorite activity: spinning around in a circle until he falls over. He nearly had to sub in for their center: they were short a lot of players, but they managed to scrape together enough players to form a couple of lines and won their game. Yay!

I'll try to write updates from Charleston if I have time.


The house is empty....

22 years ago we bought the Glacier Highway House from a family that had a second home in Arizona which they were planning to make their full-time residence. The mother had MS, Dad was well retired in his 70's, and their family gone. They decided to leave everything behind as part of the sale. We were a young, just out of the military family and could use lots of help filling the big space. None of our furnishings were much to speak of, so we were delighted to settle into their shadow and slowly convert the place to our own. We still have some of the things they left behind, never having completely removed their presence from the home. The point is, the house has never been empty in our memory. It is now. The crew of locust-like movers and packers stripped the place to the walls, wrapped it, boxed it, and packed it away, a relatively modest 10,000 pounds that now sits in storage at the World Wide Movers warehouse near the Empire Building. The house looks both bigger and smaller to me. Empty and a bit forlorn actually. You see all the little dings I always meant to fix up but really didn't notice in the background of daily living. It echoes a bit. I know I sound a bit maudlin in leaving it but I'm actually quite relieved. Selling the house was a big step in being able to move on. We are more than ready to say goodbye to snow removal, excited to begin a visit to family without a thousand dollar minimum plane ticket to start, thrilled to think we will be in perhaps the same area code with many of our most beloved family. But just for a bit, there is the twinge of memory for all that made our family life special on the water, in Alaska, in that house, now all put away for the next step in our lives.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Week in Pittsburgh

Quick update from the road.  Wade and Jessi had a beautiful wedding in Farmville, VI, with close friends and family coming in from all corners.  I've been in Pittsburgh for the following week, working and catching up with old friends.  It's been a little hard to keep up the pace of work that I have at home with fun distractions like meeting friends for lunch, but I'm glad I chose to make this a working trip because it means I can spend more time here.

My manuscript (the bulk of my graduate work has been unpublished so far) was submitted, and FINALLY accepted.  This is the last thing that needed to be finished out from my time in graduate school.  There is still some discussion of other brilliant ideas we might toy with later, but getting that paper published will actually make by CV look like I am a scientist again. 

But the real reason I opted to come at this time was for my labmate and classmate Karen's defense.  That happened yesterday.  She was very poised, and gave a very thoughtful, scholarly seminar.  Her defense took hours, but was very friendly.  She emerged as a doctor, and the lab swept into action to make a big departmental party.  It was perhaps not quite as amazing as the party I had, but we are all holding back since she is hosting a party this afternoon.  There is going to be inflatable jousting.  It should be fantastic.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The final moves...

Connie has celebrated her first week of retirement by supervising and executing the next step, excavation from the old beach house and dividing the household into our essential apartment life assets and putting the rest in storage. The first day, Monday, she got the piano and computer desk up all the stairs at both places. Tuesday and Wednesday involved getting the 10,000 pounds of family assets up to the Highway and waiting moving vans. I was home for that. The movers talked tough about not really needing to wait for the funky family winch to haul the stuff but after a couple of laps, I was enlisted to push the buttons up and down with much gratitude. In the midst of the move, our final repairs for the engineer's report were put together. The contractor replaced 2 back bedroom windows to allow fire "egress" and I found a middle school kid to crawl around in the aptly named crawl space to spread plastic underneath the house. This being retired is a lot of work. Sandlin connected us with a Seattle area realtor who has been bombing us with options for a first visit in early August. Until then, we'll just keep trying to settle in and explore the final step of my retirement. Will not be easy or soon, that's for sure.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Well this is Clearly Unacceptable

Has it really been nearly 6 weeks since I last posted on here? Six weeks? And I'm the one around here who is supposed to be doing updates for a toddler. Six weeks in toddler time is like 3 years in regular person time. Let's get back with the program.

Tyler has been in the toddler classroom for a few weeks now, and is starting to adjust. He had a nice transition, where he spent the last few days in his baby classroom hanging out more and more in the toddler room. He still gets a bit fussy when we leave, but there is a security camera that cycles through the rooms on the way out of the day care place, and on the days when it is pointing at his room, we see that by the time we've reached the lobby, the fussing is pretty much over. He is a big fan of the slide they have in the classroom, and really likes all of his older friends who walk around and do big kid things like singing songs and having circle time and reading stories and doing dances together and stuff. You know, like grown-ups do. The day care has also almost finished up the renovation. I'm most excited to see the new kitchen and new activity room. I'm told it may have computers for technology education. I approve.

Also, we went on vacation. Abandoning all the rest of the siblings who congregated up in Juneau (though we did miss them) we decided to head over to the much warmer (and closer) state of Florida to see the other half of our family. Some of us aren't so lucky to get both halves in the same zip code pretty much ever. It did expose something I didn't know about vacationing with a kid. Most vacations you have a little bit of relax time and a little bit of activity time. It takes work to get over to Europe or to plan hotel visits across a continent, but you do the work and you get a nice memory out of it. But it's also important to have some relaxing time, or you'll just feel more and more stressed out the more you try to do. When you have a kid, though, there's no real relaxing time, and any activity has the focus taken away from the cool event you're trying to do, and put on trying to keep your kid from, let's be honest, killing themselves. We hit the beach in Florida, and I'm glad I went, but you have no idea how excited Tyler was to get himself killed all the way to death in the ocean. When we left Tyler behind with the extended family for a few minutes, we got to enjoy ourselves in the waves, and for those few minutes it felt like a real vacation. But as soon as we got him back up, we're trying to keep him from eating watermelon that has fallen in sand. We were lucky enough to have some grown-up time when we left Tyler with grandma and went out *dancing*, and again when we drove down to do some snorkeling in the Florida keys. We'll put up some pictures eventually, but we have to finish off the underwater camera we bought. Anyway, it was a nice glimpse into the difference between traveling with kids and without them. They are quite different animals.

I changed jobs. I'm still at the same company, but I'm in a different group. The reasons are varied and probably best not discussed here, lest they sound too much like wining...or lest people I work with read this (and why wouldn't they? I good writing!) But I'm really liking my new group. I've been instantly plunged into exciting and important work, and people appreciate what I do. Plus, I get to travel in a few weeks, which is nice because hey, travel! But a bummer that I'll miss Tyler for the week. Yay for video conferencing.

Can I update Tyler's dictionary?

Ah-Oooh has become uh-oh, though he still doesn't know when he's supposed to use it.
We got a 'Wa-Wa' out of him this weekend and are trying to associate it with water.
Cats are now 'Dee-Dee', though he hasn't learned to differentiate between the one that always runs away and the one that gets patiently manhandled until the cat gets treats.
Bah is sometimes 'bath', now.
And Tee means 'teeth', specifically brushing them, often as a precursor to bedtime.

Those are the highlights. I'll try not to take so long before coming back with more stories, but I do keep myself pretty busy these days.


Friday, July 13, 2012

If this were my life, it would be ok

Our trip to Juneau was a fantastic last hurrah, and Matt and I came back to Washington energized to conquer the beautiful summer here.  And Matt's bestie left his kiddo with the grandparents in Juneau for another week, so they are acting like maniacs trying to get in all the energetic, difficult to coordinate with daycare activities they can this week.  And a friend of ours was snowed out of her post-defense hike of the Pacific Crest Trail (Canada to Mexico), so she has been staying with us, and enjoying not being in grad school from the suburbs instead of the middle of nowhere.  She'll be with us until the NEXT wedding next week (OMG Wade and Jessi!!).  AND I've got some good contract work right now.

I mention all this, because my life has suddenly become really acceptable.  Basically, I get up to work all day, and when I wander downstairs for more coffee or apples, my friend is there to give me a weather update on the trail or remind me what normal people learned in health class.  (The next contract is to design some new Health modules for high schoolers.)  And then when I am done working, or just feel like I've made enough money, we go do something fun like run around downtown, or see Shaoshu demonstrate his latest Latin Dance performance (it was AMAZING!).  I know things are a little different now since we've got a guest, and summer seems like a big time for curriculum development. But if this where what my life turns into for a while, I think I could be ok with that.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Fourth of July!

We are having a great week in Juneau.  The Fourth of July is always a great holiday here- there are fireworks and parades and often a break in the crappiest of weather.  And now that we are older, we notice it's a holiday other people come home for- Kelsey was here (awesome), and a bunch of Matt's friends are in town for this wedding.  We took in the fireworks with the bride's family (and Betty!), and spent the actual fourth of July hiking the West Glacier trail with Kelsey's friends.  It was a great day for it.  And then Mom made us some AMAZING BBQ Salmon and a huge spread of BBQ feasting things.  We ate until we were paralyzed and felt very patriotic about it.

Today is the much anticipated wedding.  Matt got up early this morning to unload wood for a bonfire and help with last minute set-up details.  I'm slightly regretting my choice to wear the same dress I got for an outdoor wedding in Virginia in two weeks to an outdoor wedding in Juneau, so I am raiding the house for warm under- and over-things as my form of preparation.  It promises to be a fun filled day of friends and family!