Saturday, May 30, 2009

Blogging from my Lawn

Ain't technology great?

Jess is out of town this weekend (briefly) for a bachelorette party in Florida, which also doubles as a nice excuse for her to see family again.  I'll join her for the wedding in a few more weeks.  It's a short trip, only a couple of nights away.  As I told her before she left, she's already almost back home.  

I've spent my weekend playing video games, drumming, and writing.  There's an upcoming section that's going to get a complete rewrite, but I just keep thinking about my studio, and getting into music.  I can see the end of the book, at least the second write-through, on the horizon, and while I might want to do another pass through for grammar before I send it off, there's definitely a lot of improvement between the drafts.  Once I finish it up, I'll send it out to people for some test-readings.  I've changed a lot, and I can't always differentiate between what I wrote in the first draft, what I wrote in the second, and what I just thought about a lot.  

Birthday lists, people!  Festive days are coming!

Also, just to change up the scenery, I took my laptop outside to my front lawn (with chair) to write this and a bunch of my story.  It's a nice way to change up the scenery, and I might get to meet some more neighbors.  

I don't think I've written about my neighbors here yet.  We've met a few.  On our left side is a nice family with several kids, high-school to grade school, and I think one might be in college, too.  They're immigrants, but I couldn't tell you where from by their accent.  Somewhere in Africa maybe?  Or in the Caribbean?  Our other-side neighbor is actually selling her house.  We met her a few times but she's selling and moving to a smaller house now that she's empty-nesting and getting closer to retirement.  The new neighbor is, by reports, a guy.  That's about all I know.  We have several other neighbors too, but we haven't met too many others.  I'm thinking about having a meet-your neighbors open house to see if anyone shows up.  What you think?


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