Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back on the Mainland

Good morning, everyone.

I'm back from the cruise, which means my cell phone is back on and my e-mail is getting checked once again. We took a lot of pictures, some of which even have to be *developed*, like *cavemen* used to do. So I'll write up a big long diary of the trip later. I just wanted to let you know that we have made it back to areas where the ground is not constantly swelling and sliding beneath your feet. Which is sort of a shame, because that puts both me and Jess to sleep really well.

We're heading back to Austin tomorrow, and we're all excited to see our kitties and see if our tree made it through the week okay. It's been really dry, and our sprinkler system is on the fritz where the tree is. Real world concerns come flooding back once again. It was a nice vacation, though, and I'm excited to get back to my real life, being as my real life is pretty fantastic.


1 comment:

Sandlin said...

I don't care HOW relaxing your vaca was- you've got WORK to do. Birthday list, man! Get on it!

Also I totally want to see pictures- sounds like a blast :)