Thursday, August 6, 2009

3 years of being married- a picnic!

Yesterday Matt and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary. I mentioned yesterday, we've got plans to go to Niagara this weekend, but that seemed like no reason not to mark the day itself in some way. We've both been out of town, and so we didn't actually have plans, per say, but figured we know each other well enough to have a good time together. Matt picked me up after work and as we were discussing what we might do we drove past a farmers market in the park. Screech! Brakes were slammed on, farm fresh bread and cheese and berries were bought and we packed a little picnic into the park. The weather even co-operated by being warm but not hot, muggy or otherwise unbearable. Later we toddled into the busniess district for Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and bought each other some books at CDs. Fun!

In the long term 3 years is no big feat (most of our readership I think is well past the 25 year mark), but it is nice to reflect on the fact that even though we've been married three, we still have a lot to talk about, and a lot to share and a lot more to learn about each other. And really, the first three years were pretty easy- marriage wise. We talked about the next three years- I'll be graduated, we'll be moving, will Matt go back to school? Where should we move to? Although the particulars are still in the works, I must say I am looking forward to planning our next moves through life together.

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