Friday, December 19, 2008

I want to make cookies

I've been holding off on any holiday related baking. Everyone in my lab is on a diet, and I am certainly in no shape to pick up the slack of a spare batch of cookies, so I've be waiting to initiate any food related celebrations. But lets face it, if you don't go to church, you don't visit your family, your husband doesn't want a tree, and you don't eat the cookies- there isn't a whole lot of holiday left.

Today, I thought, I'll quit killing myself at work and go make cookies while Matt is at his boring holiday party. Yeah, something cute like gingerbreadmen. Yeah. Aside from the obvious butter, eggs and flour I need to buy (still in graduate school), I thought you know- a rolling pin would be nice. I'm too much of a grown-up to roll out my gingerbreadmens with a nalgene. Oh, and if I want them to be mens, I think I'll need a cookie cutter. My diet will probably appreciate that this line of thought derailed before I bought all the butter.

I didn't do anything remotely as cool as buy a house this week, but I did crack an important protocol this month. I've finally got it optimized so I can whip through it another 6 times next month and finish my obligations to my collaborators. Woohoo! My boss has no idea how thrilled he should be.


None said...

A wine bottle works quite well for rolling out cookies, too. Much more grown up than Nalgene...I had a cookie exchange this week with my book club. Ended up with way more cookies than I needed. Took them to the Gallery today as they were an Attractive Nuisance around here.

Sandlin said...

I broke down and made and decorated cookies with some friends. Matt bought me a Christmas rolling pin, so the gingerbread snow-men came out ok. There was a bit of a butter related incident that turned a batch of Cook's Illustrated Chewy Chocolate Cookies into a pan of thin buttery-brownie things, ugly, but tasty. Not planning to pack any of these cookies, so I need to make room in the freezer.

Noel said...

I am occasionally inundated throughout the year with cookies. Jess says she doesn't cook much, but you wouldn't know that by how often we make cookies. Our favorite is the butterscotch cookies, with busted-up candy inside. Not exactly holiday themed, but DELICIOUS.
