Monday, December 15, 2008


I'm in the midst of my finals week, which is always fun, but I'm feeling pretty on top of it. I have my Survey of World Music final in about two hours, but I think I'll do pretty good.

Nana and Papa--I got that article you sent me about blue grass clubs in New York. It was a really interesting article. I'm not sure I'd be able to handle the way blue grass is done, but I'd like to think I could wander into a club some day and be able to play a solo.

I just had my orchestra concert last night, which went pretty well. I played a Mozart Sonata in G. It wasn't too difficult, but it did require some work because I was only playing with a piano so I really did have to fully know my part, no faking.

My last fnal is on Thursday, and then I'm flying back to Juneau on Friday morning, and get in later that night. Yay for layovers in Seattle.

Thanks for the pictures bissy! Cuuuute!

1 comment:

Sandlin said...

Go Study! Be Smart! Yay! We gave out grades in my class today- done is official! Just a few more days and you can feel that awesome too.
Love you!!