Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Weekend in Virginia

Matt and I took advantage of the long weekend to go and visit our favorite people in all of Virginia. They've been living there for a year, so it's really about time we stopped by for a visit. I can't say I've thought much about Virginia before, but it was so green and beautiful down there. We had a nice drive down on Friday, stopping only once to feel deeply lost, and got in some hiking, some eating, some chatting, some touring and some more eating over the weekend. It was a really nice trip, and of course always fantastic to see old friends, and see them doing really well. New jobs, new house- it was like hanging out with grown-ups.

Of course, getting to travel is one of the perks of being "between work." I finished my last day of real work at Pitt on Wednesday, and I've started volunteering at the science center- how fun! I'm going back tomorrow for my first non-orientation day. The time in between, is of course, to find a real job. And make dinner and stuff. I had a good lead today, and hope to work on a system for getting more soon. Being unemployed could be fun for maybe as much as a month, but I'll get bored of it pretty quick, I am sure.

Of course, no sooner am I out of a job but my main manuscript was rejected. Bummer. Not sure how Dr. Boss plans to deal with this yet, so I'm going to go visit on Thursday and see what he is thinking. I'm sure he'll get it out somewhere, but he doesn't have the incentive to get published that I do. I expected this though, so I am optimistic that we can move on it quickly.

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