Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Babies are distracting

Yeehaw!  I'm in Texas!

Actually, let's be honest, I'm just spending my days in the happy comfort of Noel's house.  There is a lot of blistering Texas out there, and I am happy with the climate controls in here.  Obviously, I've distracted Noel from his semi-regular update on awesome things Tyler can do, so I'll do my best to give the update.  While my favorite new parents are off at work, and their best little baby is in daycare, I thought I could really get down to the business of job hunting.  But babies are distracting, even when they aren't melting you with their drooly smiles and shrieking laughs. 

Yesterday, under the guise of "helping," I went through all of Tyler's tiny little onesies... They are so cutely adorable, but then I realized, he is wearing 9-12mo baby clothes.  The 3month clothes look SO teeny compared to him.  He is turning into quite a giant!  He's actually really good at sitting up on his own, although he occasionally will give up, and fall backwards, almost always into his parents arms.  His two teeth are coming in quite well, and he seems excited to test them out on things. At the moment he is very interested in chewing up all of the alphabet blocks that Nana gave him- these should provide years of entertainment. 

Oh!  And carrots!  Noel mentioned he is slowly progressing through solid foods.  His first attempt with carrots was hysterical.  He's never had a flavor before, and and carrots taste like.... taste.  His face went through a barrage of surprise, and horror, and dissapointment and disgust, but after every bite, he'd happily eat whatever Jessie was spooning him.  Ack!  Not this again!  Check out the videos on Facebook, if you haven't yet.

Tyler is really seeing a lot of the world around him.  He and I are pretty cool, but you should see the way he lights up when his Mom comes in the room.  And he really likes Noel's "jokes."  They go something like this: "Tyler, ... hey Tyler.... Bleh!" And he just laughs and laughs.  So yes, Tyler is good, and his parents are good, and even the kitties are good.  It's so nice to finally get to meet the little guy!

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