Sunday, January 9, 2011

Time without things in it?

Something weird happened at the start of the semester, I don't appear to have to much to do. I have the opposite of too much to do. In the coming week, there are 5 solid evenings with nothing going on. It's kinda awesome. I've worked out a couple times, I've cooked food, the house no longer looks like a fallout zone. We are even caught up on the laundry!

But, ask Matt, this can't last long. I don't deal with boredom well. Namely, I forget about all the stuff I'd been wanting to do when I was busy, my mind is a blank slate, and all I can think do is sit on the internet and let the hours slip by. Then I get restless, and traditionally, I get over committed. The problem this time is that I am supposed to be keeping all my time flexible, because there is supposed to be a deluge of work coming. I am going to work really hard on remembering all those things I like to do, or even need to get done before it is stressful. Like, reading books, or investigating the job market out west. Maybe I'll start dinking around on the NEW keyboard I got for Christmas, or bake myself breakfast treats. Hopefully this free time will last, and the "getting ready to graduate madness" will hold off long enough for me to develop some hobbies.

1 comment:

Uncle Bart said...

Then I get restless, and traditionally, I get over committed.

I think there's a hereditary component to this . . maybe you could do some research on it . . in your spare time.