Monday, January 24, 2011

Harumph... Monday

I'm grumpy! I don't know why. It might be because I woke up at 6 this morning to buy bagels for my lab so they would love to listen to me ramble on about this journal article I presented (and wasted my weekend preparing for). Or it might be that it was ZERO degrees when I went to get the bagels.

It's totally possible that it is because the Awesome Science I did this weekend prompted Dr. Boss to give me a couple more weeks of work to do for this manuscript (that I thought I was submitting soon- guess not). We are supposed to be finishing, not starting! That's not Awesome, but now that I have a defense date, I can't bring myself to argue with my boss anymore. On the plus side, he seems much happier with me. The minus side, this is a dumb reason to wait to submit this paper.

It could be that a really beautiful job opened up in Alaska that I think I am neither qualified for (BS + 2 years 'field work'?), nor prepared to take when they might offer it (February), but I can't tell because all the right people are on annual leave, and not answering their phones. But I would be so awesome at it! Sigh. I'll have to wait a couple weeks for that disappointment.

It is not helping that my jerk of a cat has decided to make an absolute nuisance of himself, stealing the leftovers from dinner off the table to "hide" under the table and eat, making no end of a mess, then fetching trash off the kitchen counter while I clean up his mess.

I mean, I have some good guesses about why I am grumpy, I just haven't decided who to blame just yet. I guess I'll eat some chocolates and watch TV with Matt until we feel better. Or at least until it is Tuesday.

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