Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Next Lesson

Summer brings in a new batch of HHMI fellow- the top notch research students I worked with during the school year- which means, they need to talk about ethics! And, weirdly, no one else volunteers to talk with undergrads about this stuff. It was a good chance to get some more course material for the fall, and try some new things before I commit them to my syllabus. Registration for the real class in the fall is still open- someone withdrew (aw, man!), but I have 6 students to work with.

We did a couple small case studies, and then talked about an article detailing a longer (very difficult) case of scientific misconduct. The short case studies were good ice breakers- but next time, I wouldn't do more then one at once. And for the most part, they seemed to get the points raised by the longer case study. It was a really sad case about how scientific misconduct (by a boss) ruined a bunch of student's prospects- ugh. When we finished, I immediately thought "That went awesome!" but I think I need to come up with a better metric for success then "No one cried or quit science."

It's getting easier- disarming the awkward silence, redirecting the errant conversation, getting to the point without rushing past it. I still feel like I talk too much- but, well, no one cried or quit science, so I must have been a success!

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