Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Life, Online

Many of you will remember Matt's roommate in college, who was a Chinese immigrant (from here on out, I'll refer to him as my Chinese brother). We were very close in college, and after he moved away, he often came back for visits, and since we've away, he still comes to visit. He has been living away from his family since he was 16, so he isn't willing to just give up long term friendships since some people moved across the country. We chat online often- sometimes about nothing, sometimes about really deep stuff, sometimes about topical things. Today he caught me at work while I was in the middle of a temper tantrum with my work (seriously science, I thought we had an understanding!). I took a moment to vent, then got up to finish my work (with a vengeance).

When I came back an hour later, he had left some really encouraging words for me. I soakeed that in while I watched Noel's trapeze video (which was AWESOME), which I hope you all saw ended with a patently Noel goofy hoorah move. Even though I am the only one who even knows I am watching, I blush and think NO-elllllL. And I started feeling better. Spending some virtual time, with my virtual family- while not as good as the real thing- is a sight better than nothing at all.

While perhaps the blog is a mother's day gift, I think we can agree that others benefit as well (Dad?) in a similar- wow, My kids write a lot- kind of way. But, I guess I never realized how much I benefit from a central space online. So, yeah, thanks for reading, friends and family.

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