Sunday, December 6, 2009

Viral Pathogenesis- pretty much done

Perhaps the crowning achievement of every student's 21st grade is to finish the last of their course requirements. Actually, but the time you been doing this for so long, it seems like there aren't a lot of crowning achievements, so I am inclined to make up my own. I went to the last lecture in the last required course of my career (assuming I pass this) on Thursday. Now to finish the take home exam, and wrap up the whole 'going to classes' part of my education.

It's odd, in a few respects. I've obviously signed up for a long term commitment to my education- why would I gripe about going to class? I just can't make myself get worked up about it any more. Heavens knows, taking notes, doing readings and managing my time are all things I got under control a long time ago. Now I struggle with things like, remembering to go to class, forcing myself to get to the books. And take home exams? You can spend as long as you want on those- and guess how much time I feel like spending on it? I've also burned through a lot of my optimism about school work after lo, these many years. Now I just want to finish this up. And on the short list of things that need to get done before I graduate- finishing this class! Then finishing the exam (before Thursday). Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Gordie said...

I remember with great clarity the moment I was walking down the street in San Francisco having just stepped away from the last session of my Oral Boards, the final test for what I realized was the 25th grade. No more tests, no more review courses, pimp sessions, lecture hall grinds. Just done. Keep learning and reading, sure, just no more grades, torments or exam papers. It was absolute transcendent relief. Congratulations on a well earned highlight.