Friday, December 18, 2009

Home soon, YES!

I finished another semester and am avoiding getting my stuff packed up.
Finals week wasn't too bad this semester, it was mostly the weeks leading up to it. As a Communications major, most of our work is project based or paper based, so I just had a lot of things due before finals. I did have a few things to take care of finals week, but it could have been a lot worse.
This also means that I had extra time to do things to prepare for leaving, like getting my oil changed. I'm also trying to figure out meals; with the end of the semester means the end of the need to go grocery shopping, so I have a bunch of random loose ends to try and create complete meals with. Turns out pasta goes well with a lot of things, and apple sauce fills in a lot of gaps.
I'm looking forward to getting home, having some home cooked meals, and spending time with the family.

1 comment:

Sandlin said...

Yeah- and you can make an awesome sauce to go on anything with peanut butter. See you SOOOON!