Sunday, May 25, 2008

First Day home!

We have finally arrived in Alaska with our Friends Waz and J in tow. It was a magnificently clear clear flight all the way up with incredible views, especially as we were landing. Once we had all scrubbed off a day of traveling, we got to work on seeing the sights. There was a humpback whale pacing the channel in front of the house yesterday- we practically made eye contact with it when in came up in front of the buoys out front (J screamed wit excitement). We also saw sea lions and eagles, anenomes and hermit crabs at the Shrine and the Glacier- where Waz and J got to 'Taste Alaska' when we pulled a little iceburg out of the water.

Mom and Dad made thier world famous cedar plank grilled White King salmon for dinner, and we had a bonfire (eventually- once Dad decided to light it) to make S'mores. Since it it still clear and beautiful today, we are hoping to get some hiking in, and see what else we can see. Obviously- many good photos taken, will post some choice ones soon.

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