Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April for Team Austin

It's been a while, let's make a Catalog of life.

The last few months have been a swing down and then back up.  Tyler was having some trouble in school, in the way that kids his age usually do.  He was hitting other kids and not listening well, and so we met with the teachers to see what we could do about it.  We ended up trying a lot of things, and some combination worked.  Jess spent some time with him in his classroom, we started a chart of good behavior at home that he could use to get Ice Cream on Fridays, and one of the kids that we knew he was having trouble with ended up leaving the class.  Something in there helped him out enough that we have not been having nearly so many problems now.  He still loses control occasionally, but not too often.  And at his age, that's kinda expected.  They don't have the neurology to evaluate and hold back an impulse.  He's just not set up for it.  It would be like expecting him to run a 5k with me.  He's just not equipped for it yet.  But he's getting better day by day.

In August he heads off to PUBLIC SCHOOL.  I'm reserving judgement until I see what it's like.  I have a little bit of optimism just because he'll be starting with a few friends he knows from the street, and hopefully that will help him put it in a positive light.  But I've heard from parents that have had good experiences with public schools and parents that have had terrible experiences with public schools.  It depends a lot on the school, and the district, and especially the teacher.  We'll see how he does, and adjust accordingly.  That's right, we don't have a plan. We're winging it.  That's what parents do.  They just make it seem like it's part of the plan with their steady voice and noble bearing.  We're panicking inside.

Casey is super cute.  She's rounded the corner on Talking and is now interested in parroting a lot of words and picking up new ones as quick as she can.  She's even put together a few ideas of her own from different words she knows.  She'll probably be an author.  She likes to sing, too.  We do a pretty adorable rendition of "little boxes".  I should record it.

Oh, Mom and Dad got me an Audio Interface for Christmas which allows me to use my fancy microphones to record the kids.  I have done so to catalog how goddamn adorable their voices are.  I should post up some stuff in podcast form.  The audio quality is really nice.

This has also allowed me to start doing "Let's Play" videos with Tyler.  I edit them down a bit to just the funny parts, and I do it all in Microsoft Movie Maker (Super low-level stuff) so it's not like I'm planning to burn up the Internet with my new hilarious Content.  At least, not right away.  But it does make me pretty cool that I can record Mincraft Let's Plays with my kid.  I'm a cool dad.

Jess and I hit a rough patch for a while, but we're getting better.  I want to have a record of when it happened for to remind myself later.

Jessie's mom lives in Austin now?  I guess I don't know when I wrote the last one of these, but having her around for babysitting has been great.  Jess and I go out for a lot more dates.  We've even been going out to Adult Skate at playland Skate Center.  I'm getting pretty good.  It's great exercise, too.

On Friday I take Tyler to his first Martial Arts class.  It starts out very introductory.  Next week we can start attending classes.  We'll see how it goes.  I'm excited for the exercise as well as doing something fun with Tyler.  He tends to not want to try new stuff, though, so it will be an experiment for both of us.  Oh, and I'm taking the class too.  I'm not missing the opportunity to break stuff with my super strong hands.

Tyler had his birthday, so he's 5.  Casey will turn 2 soon.  I have been a parent for 5 years.  College didn't take this long.

I'm working on painting a big diorama for ReaperCon this year.  Which is in October, and that's good, since I'll be painting this thing for a long, long time.

And now it's late and I want to go to bed.  So good night, see everyone in another few months.


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