Thursday, November 1, 2012

End of an Era

I am sitting at my computer in my PJs, with a big cup of tea and enjoying the rain filtered light this morning.  What I am doing today that is different then most days is that I am not working.  I might get some revisions to handle in the next couple days, but really the days of working quietly from home are about to come to a end.  The "at home" contract is wrapped up, and my REAL JOB starts Monday morning. 

I've already been adapting to the changes.  In the evening, there is not a flicker of guilt that I am not retooling my resume, or prowling job boards.  This has left me with a shocking amount of free time- I'm not really sure what to do with myself, honestly.  I'm on the hunt for hobbies that will adapt well to long bus rides (podcasts?  embroidery? suggestions welcome).  And I'm trying to wrap my brain around the idea of this new life, the new habits, the new trajectory... it's a lot to take in.

I'm going to miss having my "work clothes" be sweat pants.  I'm going to miss being hourly, so I can stop working when I'm done.  I'm going to miss the quick transition form working to being at home where my life is.  But having a job, with benefits, and set hours, in a cool location, with interesting people and projects is totally worth giving that up for. 

Anyway, I have a couple days to myself before this all gets started, so I am trying to wrap up as many loose ends (and finish as much laundry) as possible before then. 

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