Monday, March 12, 2012

Always looking for adventure

Just checked the score card for the weekend, my life is pretty good.  Friday night, we went to see The Capitol Steps performing in Bothell with Anne Cox- which was HILARIOUS.  I know them as an NPR radio show that mocks current events, musical style- and they were oh so good live.

Saturday, even though Matt had a bit of a cold, he decided to go buy a unicycle of craiglist.  We both spent a little time trying it out in the garage.  Before we started, Matt said, "do you think we need helmets?" After the first try, yeah, you should always wear a helmet on a unicycle.  It's like sitting on a surprise eject button.  Matt is progressing much quicker then me, he can pedal a couple strokes before he gets ejected.  Me? I just let go of the wall and fall off.  It's a work in progress.

After that hilarity, we decided to go for a Bike ride on the nice wide trail (path?  it's paved) near out house.  On bikes, we made it up past Nana's new home no problem.  Well, actually the problem was that Matt gave me the warm gloves, and it was raining and his hands got cold.  But on a NICE day, it would be an easy ride.  Afterwards we needed a warm up, and nothing suits better when you a frigid and soggy than Vietnamese Pho.  I was reflecting that it is always hot and muggy in Vietnam, so I can't imagine how they came up for such a perfect cure for the drizzles: hot and spicy noodle soup.  Matt's cold caught up with him a bit, so we had a long nap, which just set us up to stay up way too late watching TV until the time change.

On Sunday we had a really heroic grocery shopping trip since I am now keeping a working person schedule (even if I am not being paid for all those hours).  In addition to being a teller, my internship at the UW started.  I'm not being paid, and I'm not really sure how this will convert into a career opportunity for me, but I'm glad to be thinking about science again.  It's hard to fit it in with my mid-day teller schedule, so I am hoping my schedule at the bank will mellow out to make that easier in the next couple weeks.  Now I am "working" at various places about 30 hours a week, and filling the rest of my time driving to those places.  Knowing that my schedule was about to get hectic, we shared a hot pot dinner with some friends. 

Someday soon when the weather isn't so wet, I am going to try and get some garden action going.  We've got crocuses coming up already, which I think means it isn't too soon to decide where at my house should become a garden.  Wish me luck!

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