Monday, December 12, 2011

Amazing things Tyler can do

I was here just a couple months ago.  At that time, Tyler was itching to start crawling, and just starting out on some solid foods.  Since then, he has learned SO much! In no particular order...
-He can crawl, and does crawl all over the house. 
-He can cruise- that is, pull him self up and shuffle around things (like walking, but without being able to balance)
-He can feed himself "puffs"- super soft near cheerios, with his very cautious two finger pincher motion.  Until his hands get drooly enough and then they stick to his wrists and he can just lick them off, no dexterity required.
-He can feed himself bits of banana, although when he does, it makes him cringe in horror at all the flavor.
-He can tell his parents he wants MORE
-He is just starting to dance a little- you know, that heart melting baby bopping thing they do? He is starting to sway and bop to the music.
-He is starting to get more expressive with his verbalization.  I am pretty sure there were some disapproving raspberries yesterday. 

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