Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hanging around the 'burgh

While Matt has started his new job (which is going well, and they like him), and started getting used to living in Seattle (seeing lots of friends, exploring our neighborhood and generally having a good time), I am still in Pittsburgh, doing all my own favorite things and hanging around with my friends.  And occasionally looking for work or going to the science center.  The work at the science center is going well, and I am trying to find lots of ways to add value to the programs and my position.  I am excited about our upcoming events, even though I am feeling nervous about them as well.  We expect 4,000 visitors next week to a demo on genotypes and phenotypes (basic genetics here).  And while I have the confidence to put together learning objectives, I don't have the finesse to think about what type of linens we should get for our tables or how to "display" ourselves well.  That's where the guy I am working with takes over, so I am learning lots.

On a much sadder note, another reason that I am grateful that I am still here is to share my grief with my coworkers.  One of our recent graduates, a very bright undergrad who took my class and asked me to write a letter of recommendation for his medical school application, passed away suddenly this week.  Obviously, this was unexpected, and shocking and all of those terrible things when a young person with so much life and potential passes on.  While he was an energetic, funny, caring guy who will be sorely missed by his friends and family, because I knew him in a professional context, the part that seems most unfair to me is that he was going to make a great doctor someday.  It's a great loss, but I am glad to be able to share that with my friends and coworkers who also knew him.

1 comment:

Gordie said...

Really have nothing philisophical to say about your young collegue that will smooth the loss. I always am remided how grateful we should be for the good fortune and blessings of our own lives when such a tragedy presents itself. Feel a long distance hug from all of us.