Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I crack me up...

Writing is making headway. I've decided I can give a rough draft to a couple coworkers without the accompanying figures, so I am on track to pass that out tomorrow. There is one minor (major?) omission in my introduction though. Dr. Boss suggested I finish the introduction with what he termed "Perspectives" this is pretty common practice, you sort of sum up everything above, and use your enlightened position to suggest areas of further research and highlight the cool contributions. Even though I get it, I can't think of a single word to put here.

Yeah,... I need some perspective. Ha!

Oh man, I should get out of the house more. Actually, I went to visit a friend for dinner yesterday and was shocked to see that it has abruptly (from my perspective) become spring- flowers on the trees, people wearing shorts and skirts. Why am I still wearing sweats and a hoodie?

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