Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

The winter weather in our area is frequent topic of conversation in our household because Jane struggles with what we used to call "winter blues" but now has a variety of more formal names, because the lack of sunshine does seem to cause measurable problems for some folks.

I say that I was born here and usually enjoy cool, cloudy weather.

But even I had to admit that the forecast in the paper this morning for the next few days was a bit much. The high temperature for the next five days is predicted to be 48, 49, 48, 50, and 49.

The descriptions are:

  • Decreasing showers, sun breaks
  • Increasing clouds, rain
  • Rain at times
  • Scattered showers
  • Decreasing showers

I think you have to have a degree in meteorology to understand the difference between "scattered showers" and "decreasing showers" and of course "sun breaks" is a term invented in Seattle and used nowhere else because of trademark protection by the Convention and Visitors' Bureau.

Anyway, I hope you all have sunshine, of many kinds, in your lives in 2010!

1 comment:

Sandlin said...

I can't tell if you are highlighting this week's weather because it looks good, or bad. The forecast here is high of 25 and snowflakes all week long- mostly blown sideways. I could really go with some 45 and raining... Hope there is some sunshine in your future- Happy New Year!