Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It's coming! It's going to be this week! The madness has already started. CMU is closing several buildings including one a friend works in due to their perfect view of the site of Michelle Obama's diplomatic dinner, Phipps Conservatory. In an email to students, the department said FBI officials would be inspecting the offices to confirm the best 'views,' but urged students not to let in anyone without a valid badge number, since the best view would be advantageous to people of nefarious interest. Ick.

Pitt has been distributing this soothing message:

The University of Pittsburgh is honored that world leaders will be convening in our great city for the G-20 Summit. We want to remind students to abide by the Student Code of Conduct and law at all times. In accordance with the Pitt Promise, please conduct yourself in a civil manner and exercise mutual respect and concern for others. You are also reminded to use your common sense and avoid potentially dangerous situations.

Don't let one bad decision negatively affect your future.

While the G-20 Summit will put the world’s spotlight on Pittsburgh, it also will bring many visitors to Oakland. Because of heightened security, we ask you to use caution and common sense on and off campus. As a reminder, here are several safety tips to follow:

* Avoid angry or obviously violent individuals.
* If you find yourself in a "mob", find a safe spot and remain calm. Text friends to let them know where you are.
* If you are in a dangerous situation, contact police. When you are on campus, dial 412-624-2121 (add this number to your speed dial); off campus dial 911.
* Treat others, including police officers, with respect.

(italics mine, edited for length). Dr. Boss also reminded us of his days in a Berkeley yeast lab when ignorant PETA protesters broke into his lab and destroyed equipment. He urged us to keep our large-windowed door locked while he is out of town to a meeting in Italy, but didn't go so far as to suggest we stay home. Parts of campus will be closing, and I suspect more to come. I'll be watching the broadcast news while I work from home, and Matt will hopefully avoid the worst of traffic delays.

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