Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cruelly horrible day

Today was supposed to be my first day of teaching- I was going to write a post about how inspiring it is to work with the next generation of future scientists, and how profound it is to have an impact on them and their careers. It was supposed to be that way.

I was actually thinking about this as I was writing up a grading rubric for use in class over the noon hour while I tried to calm the butterflies before our 1 pm class. I showed up super early- 20 minutes early- to the mortifying realization that our class begins at noon! And I was 40 minutes late!

I thought Dr. Teacher might pull my still beating heart from my chest only to crush it on the tattered shards of my science (he has a bit of a temper), but he seemed to take it in stride. We'll see if this bears out through the week.

To cope with the paralyzing guilt of being the worst TA in the history of the department, I went off to Dr. Rockstar's lab meeting. I offered to pick up the laser pointer, only to be asked by the Secretary to the Chair "how is the baby?" Since my ego was already reeling, it was all I could do to say that , thanks, but I don't have a baby, and make an abrupt exit.

Seriously, being a grown-up is hard. Matt, being the best husband a ne'er do well pudgy grad student could have, picked me up at work where I was still cleaning glass plates at 7, took me home and told me despite what appears to be a fantastic memory problem, I am not nearly as horrible as the world has left me feeling today.


Gordie said...

Waking up with 5 minutes to go for the SAT's, walking suddenly naked down a large, busy, public street, falling, just falling, from somewhere...These are the usual things of nightmares. I'm so sorry that you got to add one to the list of universal disasters. Remember that nana has on several, notable occasions totally forgotten her husband's true birthday and your father has a contining challenge with Mother's Day and her birthday. And what the hey, you're the TA not the Professor....Believe the image given by your husband, we do!!

Love MomanDad

Noel said...

Internet hugs!
