Monday, June 16, 2008

A Night in Pittsburgh: A Vignette

Before I fall asleep at night, I often metally prepare for the next day. This seems to make up for completely forgetting about work by getting my mindset ready for the morning. It often means that I'll wake myself up to think about weird details though.

Last night, I was preparing myself for a big protein purification. I start the day in the virus lab, and spend the rest of the day in the cold room. I woke myself up around 2 wondering when exactly it was safe to pull my sample out of the virus lab. Then, out of no-where, the sky EXPLODED! It ripped itself to deafening shreds like a chorus of kettle-drums for what seemed like long enough for my life to flash before my eyes before the house caved in around m. When it stopped, and I breathed again, I realized it was just a thunderstorm starting. And I would survive to go in to lab another day.

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