Thursday, April 24, 2008

A new challenger approaches!

Hey, I'm Noel, Video Game editor and Martial Arts correspondant for the Preecs Sibling Blog. I'll be sure to keep everyone up to date on the latest entries in technology, gaming, and Martial Arts.




Sandlin said...

This is awesome- we have a tech correspondent. We are going for a high profile audience now ;).

I'll double check moderation settings, thanks for the tip. I haven't looked much, but do you have a method for loading photos? That will make this blog an unstoppable force in the parental reading metric.



Noel said...

Mr. Tech mis-placed the DuckTape in the garbage the other day, still looking in the closet for the garbage he was supposed to throw away. :)

Jessie said...

Mr. Tech mis-placed the DuckTape in the garbage the other day, still looking in the closet for the garbage he was supposed to throw away. :)

Noel said...

Hey, Sandlin,

Yeah, it's really easy. When you make a new post, there's a bar of tools on the top. There's stuff like 'bold' and 'itallics' and stuff, but there's also an icon for 'add picture'. You can add a small picture and google will host it for you. Just click the button, find the picture, click some options for how you want it formatted, and it uploads and gives you the HTML code right there in your text.

And, as you can see, there's another button right next to it that allows you to upload movies, pretty much the same way. Behold the power!
